Sonntag, 16. November 2014

Real love

Real love in times of virtual reality
Is a big word close to the Bible
Just for believers and other more
Unrealistic ghosts which try to lead
With nonsense instead of knowledge

But even knowing this for times
It seems as if our nature still
Leads us to believe in dreams
Of never ending real love
What ever this might be in reality

Who knows what’s real in love
In which reality we are happier
Where our dreams find to there
Roots and if they could ever
Have such in there felt being

Maybe real love’s just a dream
An illusional being which never
Existed in realitiy and only helps
Us staying together against all
Sense even nothing changed

Will any lover love less only
Because of knowing his true
Feelings are only kind of illusion
Or is real love not to care about
What’s true because it is what it is
jt 15.11.14

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